Psychiatry will continue to change rapidly from the impact of technological advances.
These changes are often a double edged sword with both beneficial and destructive
potential. The increased use of computers has contributed not only to brain imaging and
new drug development, but also to the centralized information systems of managed care.
The convergence of the new mental health capability at the same time as the managed
care crisis has created a crossroads for Psychiatry. On one path, physicians and patients
remain united to maintain leadership to improve both mental fitness and social
responsibility. On the other path, physicians and patients defer the leadership of health
care to business interests. The result of this second path would be physicians who are
reduced to health care technicians and patients who have lost many of their civil rights.
To expand upon these points, we are in the last year of the "Decade of the
Brain." Imaging technology has given us a window into the brain which helps us
understand the anatomy and physiology of mental processes. New theoretical views, such as
Darwinian Medicine and the role of infectious disease in mental illness are changing the
manner in which we view health and disease. A number of new psychoactive medications have
been released which have helped improve the mental health of the masses.
These new treatments have improved the lives of millions and prevented countless
suicides and homicides. Approximately 70 new psychiatric medications are in the research
pipeline with a promise of even greater benefit in the future.
Psychiatry is increasingly recognized as the most complex and challenging field of
medicine. The profession is assuming a leadership role in medical ethics, social
responsibility, health care delivery, and forensic issues. The release of Viagra in the
past year has contributed to an expanding role beyond "protection from harm" to
the broader responsibility to enhance of the quality of life. Not everyone
enthusiastically welcomes all of these changes. Some show cautious optimism to these new
developments. The old stigma is gradually becoming less powerful as we explain brain
functioning and human behavior more effectively.
However, power struggles persist as a significant obstacle to prevent access. A great
experiment was recently imposed upon medicine. Economic interests were allowed to have an
imbalance of power in the hopes this would decrease inflation while preserving the quality
of health care. This experiment is best described with the phrase-"managed
Although some costs were temporarily reduced, the true cost was a reduction of ethics,
freedom, access, privacy, and quality of care. Clearly the experiment has failed. Although
much more covert, it reminds us of other abuses-Nazi medicine (the first to implement
managed care) and the labeling of political dissidents as being insane in Communist
Russia. The managed care experiment has emphasized a valuable lesson-the health care
system which has protected us cannot be taken for granted.
The managed care failure has drawn the attention of the media, caused moral outrage,
and awoken the social conscience of many. Physicians and patients are responding in a
unified effort to protect the integrity of the physician patient relationship and to plan
more viable health care delivery systems. Those who gain from managed care continue to
white wash the inherent deficiencies while thousands die and millions suffer. Although in
the short run, managed care will continue to grow, eventually it will collapse from the
weight of it's structure of greed and deception. Now is the time to develop better options
for health care delivery. The plan which I currently endorse is the Medical Savings and
Responsibility Account. It protects the core components of ethics, freedom, access,
privacy, and quality of care while improving cost effectiveness.
In summary, our new technology has created a crossroads with the best of time for
mental health treatment capability, and the worst of time for public access to genuine
mental health care. Ethical judgment and proactive advocacy shall help greater numbers
benefit from new scientific advances.
Robert Bransfield, MD
The diagnosis and treatment of any medical and / or psychiatric disorders requires trained
medical professionals. The information provided is to be used for educational purposes
only. It should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional care for the
diagnosis and / or treatment for any medical and / or psychiatric disorder |